Daily Minyan

Praying is often a deeply personal experience, but when we pray with others it fosters a deeper sense of connection and community and offers the opportunity to pray more deeply.  The Jewish requirement of praying with a group of 10 (a minyan) for many fundamental rituals encourages joint spirituality and communal cohesion.

The Melville JC minyan welcomes those saying Kaddish, those with a yahrzeit and anyone desiring a spiritual connection.

Minyan has two meanings: the quorum required for the recitation of certain prayers and the prayer service itself. At Melville Jewish Center our minyan is egalitarian and open not only to members but to the entire Jewish Community through our Zoom® option.

Minyan Services are held:

  • Monday-Thursday, Maariv Service – 8:00 pm (Zoom® only)
  • Friday, Kabbalat Shabbat – 8:00 pm unless otherwise noted (In person and on Zoom®)
  • Saturday, Shacharit Service – 9:45 am (In person and on Zoom®)
  • Sunday, Shacharit Service – 9:15 am (Zoom® only)

Please check enotice for Zoom® link or contact the office via email or call 631-421-3224 ext. 10

Exceptions are Rosh Chodesh, Festivals, and Holidays when Hallel is recited. On these days, check the daily calendar for exact times.

When attending a service, please let the Ritual representative know if you are observing a Yahrzeit.